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کتاب Naturally Speaking

 کتاب Naturally Speaking

Naturally Speaking
A Dictionary of QuotationsonBiology, Botany, Nature and Zoology
History is replete with anecdotes and bons mots relating to statesmen, soldiers,artists, philosophers, and more other types of notables; but even a well-informedman finds it difficult to enliven talk with quotations from scientists.Dubos, Ren´e)(The Dreams of Reason

Naturally Speaking: A Dictionary of Quotations is the largest compilation ofnature quotations published to date. The purpose of this book is to presentquotations so that the reader can gain an idea as to the depth, widthand breadth of the subject of nature. Additionally the book attempts toprovide answers to the questions of “Who said what?” and “Where doesit come from?”.There are many books of quotations and a large number of them havebut a small section on nature and nature-related topics. Naturally Speakingis a quotation book that is devoted completely to the topic of nature. Thesequotations are gathered from many sources and were chosen because ofthe thought expressed or because the quotation expressed a truth that isgenerally recognized and approved. Hence, the quotations in this bookcan become a time-saver for the reader. By the use of this book, thereader may find a single terse phrase which expresses an idea or opinionthat would otherwise need to be stated in several sentences of originalcomposition. For the reader who is reading the book for enjoyment,Naturally Speaking becomes a master of ceremonies by introducing thereader to the great number of thoughts that lie within the pages of thebook.With so many well-written books of quotations on the market isanother book of quotations necessary? We and our publisher agreedthat there was a need since the standard dictionaries of quotations,for whatever cause, are sorely weak in providing entries devoted toquotations on nature. Naturally Speaking fills that need.The understanding of the history, the accomplishments and failures,and the meanings of nature requires a knowledge of what has been saidby the authoritative and the not so authoritative philosophers, novelists,playwrights, poets, scientists and laymen about nature. Because of themultidisciplinary interrelationships that exist it is virtually impossiblefor an individual to keep abreast of the literature outside of their ownparticular specialization. With this in mind, Naturally Speaking assumes aparticularly important role as a guide to what has been said in the pastthrough the present about nature.Naturally Speaking is not only confined to the student or practitionerof Natural History but was designed also as an aid for the generalreader who has an interest in nature topics. The general reader withno knowledge of nature who reads Naturally Speaking can form a prettyaccurate picture of what nature is. Students can use the book to increasetheir understanding of the complexity and richness that exists within thescientific disciplines. Finally, the experienced scientist will find NaturallySpeaking useful as a source of quotes for use in the classroom, in papersand in presentations. We have striven to compile the book so that anyreader can easily and quickly access the wit and wisdom that exists and aquick glance through the table of contents will show the variety of topicsdiscussed.A book of quotations, even as restricted in scope as Naturally Speaking,can never be complete. Many quotations worthy of entry have, no doubt,been omitted because were unaware of them. However, we have triedto make if fairly comprehensive and have searched far and wide for thematerial.Quite a few of the quotations have been used frequently and will berecognized while others have probably not been used before. All of thequotations in Naturally Speaking were included with the hope that theywill be found useful. The authority for each quotations has been givenwith the fullest possible information that we could find so as to helpyou pinpoint the quotation in its appropriate context or discover morequotations in the original source. When the original source could not belocated we indicated where we found the quote. Sometimes, however, weonly had the quote and not the source. When this happened we listed thesource as unknown and included the quotation anyway so that it wouldnot become lost in time.

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